Wednesday, August 10, 2011

SexyBack Challenge Check in

I have not posted for several weeks now about the SexyBack challenge. There are several reasons for this.

1. I've been busy - not a good excuse, but I just haven't made the time.

2. I started this challenge one week after I had already started eating healthier. I did it because I thought it would be great to have a group of people to do it with and help hold me accountable. However, I was still in the mindset of "dropping weight quickly" when I signed up for it. I hadn't quite made the connection to an overall healthier lifestyle that wasn't completely focused on my weight. Since I started, that focus has changed dramatically.

So, honestly, I haven't wanted to blog much about it, as I am trying really hard NOT to focus on the numbers. I have not been getting on the scale weekly. In fact, I haven't been on it for almost the entire time. Because this time, it isn't about a number on a scale for me. It's about continuing to make healthy choices daily that lead to overall better health. Do I want to weigh less? Absolutely! However, knowing myself as well as I do, if I continually get on the scale, that will become my focus. And, I don't want that anymore. This is not a "diet", it is a way of life for me now. It is about taking control of my eating (including emotions), and learning to take care of the body that God gave me. I have tried almost every "diet" there is, and this time is different.

I am working out consistently three to five times per week. I have implemented a healthier eating plan that consists of smaller meals throughout the day, more fruits and vegetables, and very low sugar. This is working for me. I am continually seeing the change in my clothes and my inches. My body is changing. Do I think the weight is dropping off? Probably not. Why? Because I am doing very intense kettelbell workouts that are building lean muscle. I am naturally a muscular person, so my weight when I first start building that muscle back up is always higher.

Do I feel better? ABSOLUTELY!! I am amazed at the difference in my mood and overall feelings when you start taking time for yourself and taking care of yourself.

Am I grateful to have found people who are on this journey with me? Absolutely. I learn something from what others who have a different perspective than me are doing.

So, there's my multiple week checkin. Hope you are having a great week!