Monday, September 12, 2011

#Sexyback11 Challenge - Final Post!

It's been 12 weeks since I started the Sexyback 2011 Challenge. I had already made the decision to start eating healthier, and I thought this would be a great way to help keep me on track. My initial goal was to lose 25 pounds in the 12 weeks.

However, not long after I started, I read Made to Crave by Lysa Terkeurst. It completely changed my attitude and my desire around losing weight. It was no longer about just losing weight for a one time challenge. I made the decision that this time would be different. I decided that I would learn to conquer my cravings and make healthier choices for a lifetime. Losing weight was the ultimate goal, but this time was more about changing my lifestyle, not just my size.

I have been on every diet imaginable in the past. I've lost weight successfully, and gained back more than I lost. And, I have had a serious challenge keeping my weight down since having kids. There are all kinds of excuses that I can use, but none of that mattered anymore. This time, I am determined to make lasting changes and not be "on a diet."

A few weeks in to the challenge, I realized that weighing myself every week was one easy way for me to get discouraged. I was consistently working out 4-5 times per week with very intense sessions. I had joined a kettlebell studio, and it was awesome. The workouts are very difficult, and brought me back to how I felt during my athlete days. My body tends to gain muscle weight pretty quickly, so I knew that weighing myself would only frustrate me. So, I stayed off the scale for the rest of the challenge. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but it really helps me.

I knew I was making progress, though, when my clothes all started fitting better, and getting baggy. I also kept track of my inches as well as what I was eating. I was consistently making healthier eating choices, and it was not as difficult as I expected it to be.

I am very happy to report my progress after the 12 weeks.

           Pounds lost: 15

           Inches lost: 8

           Clothes Sizes down: 1+ (almost 2!)

Overall, it was relatively easy to get to this point. My food choices were a big change for me, as well as getting into a consistent workout routine. In addition to working out consistently, I also made very simple changes. When the kids and I would go to the park, I would no longer sit on the bench and check Facebook. I would walk around the park instead. Or, if we rode our bikes to the park, I would continue riding my bike around the park while they played. These little changes really made a big difference in conjunction with my workouts.

I am very excited about the next few months, as I will continue to work towards becoming healthier prior to my 40th birthday. I am looking forward to starting a new decade as a smaller, healthier version of me.

Thank you to so many of you who supported me and continue to encourage me. I appreciate it!!